Workshop I "Animal genetic resources" - 25 May 2010
The Swiss Association for Animal Production and the Federal Office for Agriculture jointly organised a workshop on "Animal genetic resources". The following topics were presented and discussed:
- Definition and breeding management of breeding objectives
- Selection strategies in small populations
- Use of suitable software for their monitoring
- Legal basis for conservation breeding
The meeting was rounded off with a presentation on experiences with conservation breeding in Austria.
- Bedürfnisse ermitteln mit Fragebogen - Rita Lüchinger
- Zuchtziele inkl. Selektion Leistung vs Einzigartigkeit - Andreas Hofer
- Ziele züchterisch bearbeiten - Sabine Reist
- Selektionsstrategien - Jürg Moll
- Software und Populationsmanagement - Eildert Groeneveld
- Erfahrungen mit der Erhaltungszucht in Österreich - Beate Berger
- Erhaltungszucht in Östereich - Beate Berger
- Gesetzliche Grundlagen Workshop ANGr - Catherine Marguerat